Thursday, September 19, 2024

New US immigration rules trigger widespread concern among Indian immigrants

  • The situation is poised to become more widespread, with Texas planning to adopt a similar policy by November 1

  • The looming prospect of more states following suit has left many immigrants on edge, uncertain about the long-term implications

  • As the policy unfolds and the 2024 U.S. elections draw nearer, concerns are growing over the potential for these measures to set a national precedent


The Indian immigrant community in the United States is grappling with heightened anxiety over recent immigration policies implemented in Florida.

 In an effort to curb illegal immigration, hospitals in Florida have introduced a policy requiring patients to disclose their immigration status before receiving medical care, as reported by

While this regulation includes exceptions for emergencies, it aims to limit healthcare services to those who can prove legal residency.

  • The intersection of healthcare and immigration enforcement has ignited a fierce debate, especially within migrant communities

  • Law-abiding immigrants, particularly those from India, are feeling increasingly vulnerable, worried that their right to privacy and access to essential healthcare services may be compromised

For many Indian immigrants, this policy has sparked serious concerns about potential discrimination and unfair treatment.

Fear of facing bias at healthcare facilities has led some to hesitate before seeking necessary medical attention. This reluctance could result in delayed treatments and deteriorating health conditions.



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Roma Ghosh
Roma Ghosh
Roma Ghosh has recently retired as Associate Professor for Media Studies from an international university. She was with the Times of India as a correspondent for many years. Her passion is cooking and she has been doing recipes and photo shoots for Women's Era for the last 15-odd years.

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