Seemant Lok Sangthan Hindu President Singh Sodha says “Pendency has shot up to 75 per cent in the past four years although district magistrates have been vested with powers and authority to grant citizenship certificates”.
Ninety-seven Pakistan minority migrants were granted Indian citizenship certificates in Jodhpur by the district administration on Thursday, Nov 11, a Times of India report says
A district administration source says “We have 35 more certificates ready and these will be issued in the next two-three days. Besides, errors in another 128 citizenship files have been rectified and are ready for distribution in the next few days”.
But there are still a great many eligible migrants who are yet to receive their certificates. ..
Seemant Lok Sangthan Hindu President Singh Sodha says issue of citizenship certificates certainly comes as a huge relief, but the processing and delivery procedures are far too slow. “It is imperative to streamline the process and make it much more efficient”.
Sodha stresses “Pendency has shot up to 75 per cent in the past four years although district magistrates have been vested with the powers and authority to grant citizenship certificates”.
He adds that “clearly there is a need for better coordination between the state and the Centre for resolving the issues.”
Sodha says “despite the fact that 95 per cent of the migrants are housed in makeshift camps in Jodhpur, a major shortcoming is that the concerned staff lack proper training necessary for the tasks they have to perform”.
A social activist Ganeswh Bijani alleges that the camp was held without issuing prior and adequate information for the benefit of migrants about the necessary do’s and don’t’s required of them. As a result, many could not come and register themselves at these camps
He also alleges that “Many migrants’ files cleared over a year and half ago had been deliberately kept pending for distribution. There are 800 such cases are pending cases of deserving candidates”..
District magistrate Indrajeet Singh has not as yet responded to queries in this regard.