Afternoon break for workers enforced in Oman

This initiative is particularly significant for those working in construction and other outdoor occupations, ensuring their safety during the hottest part of the day


The Ministry of Labour in Oman has initiated the enforcement of a mandatory mid-break policy to ensure occupational safety. This policy mandates a halt in work during specified hours to protect workers from the extreme afternoon heat.

Under this policy, companies must cease operations at construction sites or any open areas from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM. This rule is effective throughout the summer months of June, July, and August. Employers who violate this policy will face fines ranging from 500 to 1,000 Omani riyals.

According to the National Centre for Statistics and Information, the construction sector is the largest employer of expatriate workers in Oman, accounting for 25% of the expat workforce. In total, five sectors in Oman employ 74.3% of the expatriate workforce, which numbers 1,449,358 workers.



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