Monday, March 31, 2025

And now ‘cow tourism’ in Odisha

he state’s Forest and Environment Department plans to launch two packages – ‘Hirakud Cruise’ and ‘Island Odyssey’ very soon as part of an ambitious eco-tourism project


Odisha intends to turn cows into a major tourist attraction in the vicinity of the Hirakud Reservoir, about 15kms north of Sambhalpur, in the northwest corner of the state.

This will certainly give a more meaningful meaning to the phrase ‘cash cows’. A coup de grace on the part of the government, It is also a stellar moment for a herd of abandoned cows.

Imagine, holiday packages where tourists will pay to come and see these bovines in the natural settings of a ‘Cattle Island’. In fact the state’s Forest and Environment Department plans to launch two packages – ‘Hirakud Cruise’ and ‘Island Odyssey’ very soon as part of an ambitious eco-tourism project.


Since the villagers had to hurriedly move to resettlement sites, they were left with little choice except to leave their cattle behind. The rising reservoir waters forced the cattle to keep moving to higher ground until the water level stabilised



Three islands had formed after the Hirakud Reservoir submerged a total land area of 746 square kilometres and 325 villages located there – 291 in Orissa and 34 in undivided MP. Over 150,000 people were affected by the Hirakud project, and nearly 22,000 families were displaced.

Since the villagers had to hurriedly move to resettlement sites, they were left with no choice except to leave their cattle behind. The rising reservoir waters forced the cattle to keep moving to higher ground until the water level stabilised.

One of the islands thus formed has been home to the abandoned bovines for nearly 70 years. During this time, the creatures have bred and multiplied as well. The place has been aptly named ‘Cattle Island’

A Hirakud Divisional Forest Officer says prolonged isolation may have made the bovines shy rather than hostile. So tourists will only be able to view them from a distance, just in case the cows take umbrage at the infringement of their long-cherished privacy. And the exclusive rights to an island they can rightly call  their own


Department officials say “everything is in readiness for the project’s smooth take-off”.

But it all depends on how soon pandemic restrictions in the state are completely lifted, the officials add.

The Hirakud dam is the longest dam in the world -21 kms – and the biggest in the country, straddling across the Mahanadi river, and is built of earth, masonry and concrete. From one end to the other, the reservoir forms the largest artificial lake in Asia with an area of 746 Sq.Kms. and a shoreline over 640 Kms.


David Solomon
David Solomon
(For over four decades, David Solomon’s insightful stories about people, places, animals –in fact almost anything and everything in India and abroad – as a journalist and traveler, continue to engross, thrill, and delight people like sparkling wine. Photography is his passion.)

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