Indian boy gets accolades from Dubai Police for returning lost watch

This story underscores the importance of honesty and the positive impact of good deeds, resonating with people both locally and globally


In a heartwarming incident, a young Indian boy living in Dubai has been recognized for his commendable honesty by the Dubai Police. Muhammad Ayan Younis, while exploring the city with his father, found a lost watch and chose to return it immediately.

The Dubai Tourist Police Department praised Muhammad Ayan for his integrity and sound judgment. The department shared the uplifting news on their official social media platform, applauding the young boy’s exemplary behavior.

After getting back the watch the tourist expressed deep appreciation for the integrity and efficiency of Dubai’s law enforcement

Brigadier Khalfan Obeid Al Jallaf, Director of the Tourist Police Department, alongside his deputy and other officials, awarded Muhammad Ayan with a certificate of appreciation. The gesture highlighted the department’s admiration for the boy’s actions.

The watch, which belonged to a tourist who had already left Dubai, was lost during their stay. Demonstrating remarkable diligence, Dubai police managed to track down the tourist and return the watch, much to the tourist’s delight. The tourist expressed deep appreciation for the integrity and efficiency of Dubai’s law enforcement.



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