Friday, September 20, 2024

India’s pluralism vs. Iran’s political posturing

India’s constitutional framework, rooted in equality and freedom for all citizens, offers a far more robust protection for its minorities than any external intervention could, said an opinion write up of


India has long stood as a model of diversity and religious harmony, thriving as a pluralistic democracy. Iran’s recent criticisms, led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, suggest otherwise, accusing India of oppressing its Muslim population. In a social media post, Khamenei lumped India with war-torn regions like Myanmar and Gaza, alleging that Indian Muslims are suffering. However, these remarks seem disconnected from reality, reported.

Indian Muslims enjoy political freedoms far beyond what Iranian citizens, particularly women and religious minorities, can hope for. Kashmir, often cited in such criticisms, is set to undergo a significant electoral process, with over 2.3 million registered voters, including 150,000 first-time voters. In stark contrast, Iranian women continue to face systemic repression, as seen in the tragic case of Mahsa Amini, which sparked nationwide protests in Iran. These protests highlighted the oppressive nature of Iran’s theocratic regime, where even minors face execution for minor offenses.

Iran’s theocratic leadership, embroiled in its internal challenges, should focus on its own issues rather than meddling in India’s affairs

Iran’s critique appears more as political grandstanding than genuine concern. Theocratic regimes like Iran’s often invoke the concept of the “Islamic Ummah” to rally support, but their selective outrage is telling. While they champion causes in India or Palestine, they remain silent on the plight of Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region or Shia persecution in Pakistan. This selective advocacy reveals Iran’s geopolitical motivations rather than any real empathy for Muslim populations.

India, despite these unwarranted accusations, continues to maintain strong diplomatic relations with Iran. This relationship, particularly through the strategic Chabahar Port, is essential for India’s connectivity to Central Asia. However, India has rightfully condemned Khamenei’s comments, urging Iran to reflect on its own track record of human rights abuses before criticizing a democratic and pluralistic nation.



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Toshi Jyotsna
Toshi Jyotsna
(Toshi Jyotsna is an IT professional who keeps a keen interest in writing on contemporary issues both in Hindi and English. She is a columnist, and an award-winning story writer.)

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