Monday, March 31, 2025

Liverpool removed from the list of List of World Heritage site

The maritime mercantile City was included in the list in 2004.


Liverpool has been removed from the list of List of World Heritage site on Wednesday. The maritime mercantile City was included in the list in 2004.

The United Nations cultural wing’s, UNESCO committee on heritage sites held voting in which 20 votes were cast. Among the votes, 13 went in favour of deleting the city from the list, while five were against the proposal. Two votes were declared invalid.

The city was on World Heritage in Danger since 2012 due to the city’s development plan ‘Liverpool Waters Development’ in the northern docks. The UNESCO committee on the List of World Heritage found it a potential danger to the site.

The city was on World Heritage in Danger since 2012 due to the city’s development plan ‘Liverpool Waters Development’ in the northern docks. The UNESCO committee on List of World Heritage found it a potential danger to the site

A report from the committee, made up of 21 countries, suggested decision based on the report and said, “Inadequate governance processes, mechanisms, and regulations for new developments in and around the World Heritage property resulted in serious deterioration and irreversible loss of attributes.”

The committee held discussions on the future of the city on Sunday. The members were unable to reach any consensus, and the delegates from Norway suggested the decision through a secret ballot.

Another issue that might have gone against Liverpool is Everton Stadium, approved this year despite objections from heritage body ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites).

Residents and local administration of Liverpool have expressed resentment over the decision and planning to for appeal.

(Gyanendra has been teaching and writing for the last 15 years. His passion for teaching keeps him engaged. He keeps a keen interest in Sports and Current Affairs.)

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